So much of the journey forward involves a letting go of all that once brought us life. We turn away from the familiar abiding places of the heart, the false selves we have lived out, the strengths we have used to make a place for ourselves and all our false loves, and we venture forth in our hearts to trace the steps of the One who said, “Follow me.” In a way, it means that we stop pretending: that life is better than it is, that we are happier than we are, that the false selves we present to the world are really us. We respond to the Haunting, the wooing, the longing for another life. Pilgrim begins his adventure toward redemption with a twofold turning: a turning away from attachment and a turning toward desire. He wanted life and so he stuck his fingers in his ears and ran like a madman (“a fool,” to use Paul’s term) in search of it. The freedom of heart needed to journey comes in the form of detachment. As Gerald May writes in Addiction and Grace, Detachment is the word used in spiritual traditions to describe freedom of desire. Not freedom from desire, but freedom of desire . . . An authentic spiritual understanding of detachment devalues neither desire nor the objects of desire. Instead, it “aims at correcting one’s own anxious grasping in order to free oneself for committed relationship to God.” According to Meister Eckhart, detachment “enkindles the heart, awakens the spirit, stimulates our longings, and shows us where God is.”With an awakened heart, we turn and face the road ahead, knowing that no one can take the trip for us, nor can anyone plan our way. (The Sacred Romance , 149)
What does this mean for us?
This reminded me of the scene in "The Lord of the Rings" when Gandalf was fighting the Balrog on the bridge (that giant devil made of fire). After Gandalf shouts with authority "You shall not pass!" and the Balrog falls as the bridge collapses right where he stands (which is what we have the power to do for real!)...he turns his back on the the Balrog and is caught by the foot, falls, and grasps the ledge of the bridge. As the fellowship looks on in shock...Gandalf looks up at them and says "Fly, you fools" and then he LETS GO and falls (which we later know that he was able to grab his sword in the fall and defeat the Balrog, and later after being dead, he is revived and comes back even stronger and more alive to join in the fight once again). His words to them are more than just "quick you guys...run away!"...he is speaking of a deeper calling to the Fellowship.
I shared this to connect with the above devotion mentioning Pilgrim being a fool...and 1 Cor 1:18 "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." and 1 Cor 4:10 "We are fools for Christ".
Gandalf was letting them know it was time the Fellowship took flight towards their callings. Each one had a purpose and a very important role to play in the bigger story of Middle Earth.
I created the above collage with Gandalf on it, an eagle, and the words "Fly, you fool" This represents Isaiah 40:31 "But those who HOPE in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
That's where I am...on that cliff...and I'm letting go and God is saying to us...It's time for our group to fly and reach for our dreams and pursue our desires with all we've got! Our hearts are worth fighting for and this is a call to take courage and go for it! We each have a purpose and an important role to play in the bigger story of this Upside Down Kingdom...and it's time to fly!